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Apktool 2.3.1

Connor Tumbleson
Maintainer of Apktool

This release contains an updated internal framework file.

  • apktool empty-framework-dir to remove the old file.
  • Android Oreo Support (8.1) (#1667)
  • Feature: Advanced --force-manifest for decoding manifest without resources. (#1680) / Thanks rubenanagua
  • Fixed issue with shorthand SDK versions. (#1630)
  • Fixed issue with encoding raw font files. (#1662) / Thanks minsko
  • Fixed issue with rebuilding an apk that skipped resource decoding. (#1634)
  • Fixed issue with large string decoding length incorrectly. (#1587)
  • Fixed issue to allow repeated entry offsets to occur. (#1683) / Thanks Bricnic
  • Fixed issue where non-system attributes were decoded as system in minified resource applications. (#1157)

This post was originally released at: and duplicated in part here for historical reasons.

Apktool 2.3.0

Connor Tumbleson
Maintainer of Apktool

This release contains an updated internal framework file.

  • apktool empty-framework-dir to remove the old file.
  • Android Oreo Support (#1594)
  • Run CI tests on OSX as well as unix. (#1571)
  • Prevent apktool doing permission checks on unneeded directories. (#1586)
  • Windows Unicode support for helper scripts. (#1595)
  • Dropped support for all 32 bit binaries, except Windows (#1598)
  • Fixed ClassCastExceptions when producing files. (#1444) / Thanks xpirt
  • Fixed unclosed streams when using SmaliMod. Thanks footpatch
  • Cleanup deprecations in Apache Commons CLI. Thanks xpirt
  • Fixed issue with apks that have 4 non-positional/positional nodes. (#1611)
  • Added support for invalid targetSdkValues which are greater than max or less than min. (#1615) / Thanks Jan Vidar Krey
  • Added ability to skip assets decode (--no-assets) (#1605)
  • Prevented directories being written outside of scope of decode directory. (#1589)

This post was originally released at: and duplicated in part here for historical reasons.