Apktool 2.2.3
This release contains an updated internal framework file.
apktool empty-framework-dir
to remove the old file.
- Android O Preview Support (#1453)
- Updated to smali 2.2.1
- Updated internal aapt binaries to
- Removed deprecated fatJar plugin in favor of ShadowJar
- This turns
on build instructions. - Updated gradle to
. Thanks friederbluemle - Fix for reading length of UTF16 encoded strings. Thanks atn1969
- Fixed issue changing default parameters on baksmali. (#1481)
- Fixed issue with apktool locking access to input files. (#1160) Thanks MarcMil
- Add support for animated vector drawables. (#1456)
- Fixes decoding brightness. (#1508) Thanks phhusson
- Prevent unknown file decode outside of archive. (#1498) / Thanks mkilling
- Fixes improper decoding of optical bounds in images. (#1511) Thanks phhusson
This post was originally released at: https://connortumbleson.com/2017/06/13/apktool-v2-2-3-released and duplicated in part here for historical reasons.