Apktool 2.3.2
This release contains an updated internal framework file.
apktool empty-framework-dir
to remove the old file.
- Android P Preview Support (#1742)
- Initial support for rebuilding with aapt2 binary (#1689)
- Fixed issue with application with empty resources.arsc file (#1730)
- Fixed issue with root depth kotlin folder (#1703)
- Fixed building Apktool on Windows. (#1741)
- Added warning if application is non-zero typeIdOffset is discovered.
- Update to baksmali v2.2.2
- Support for treating additional photo extensions as raw (m4a)
- Prevent temporary BRUT files from clogging temp directories.
This post was originally released at: https://connortumbleson.com/2018/04/07/apktool-v2-3-2-released and duplicated in part here for historical reasons.