Apktool 2.3.1
This release contains an updated internal framework file.
apktool empty-framework-dir
to remove the old file.
- Android Oreo Support (8.1) (#1667)
- Feature: Advanced
for decoding manifest without resources. (#1680) / Thanks rubenanagua - Fixed issue with shorthand SDK versions. (#1630)
- Fixed issue with encoding raw font files. (#1662) / Thanks minsko
- Fixed issue with rebuilding an apk that skipped resource decoding. (#1634)
- Fixed issue with large string decoding length incorrectly. (#1587)
- Fixed issue to allow repeated entry offsets to occur. (#1683) / Thanks Bricnic
- Fixed issue where non-system attributes were decoded as system in minified resource applications. (#1157)
This post was originally released at: https://connortumbleson.com/2017/12/26/apktool-v2-3-1-released/ and duplicated in part here for historical reasons.