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Apktool 2.7.0

Connor Tumbleson
Maintainer of Apktool

This release contains an updated internal framework file.

  • apktool empty-framework-dir to remove the old file.
  • Add SDK T (API 33) support. (#2845)
  • Add SDK S v2 (API 32) support. (#2776)
  • Updated internal aapt/aapt2 to (91492d8 of frameworks_base)
  • Add support for newest ResourcesTypes.h specs (policy, overlay and staged alias). (#2809, #2714)
  • Add updated internal aapt2/aapt2 binaries. (#2787)
  • Add ability to generate generic network security config (-n / --net-sec-conf). (#1622)
  • Add helpful message during built apk message to identify location of apk. (#2843)
  • Add bleeding edge smali package via jitpack. (#2918, #2662)
  • Add build support for JDK 17. (#2952)
  • Fix resource unclosed during unknown file handling. (#2473) / (Thanks auermich93)
  • Fix style strings regression between aapt1/aapt2 builds. (#2815) / (Thanks IgorEisberg)
  • Fix support for uses-native-library in Manifest. (#2778)
  • Fix support for usesPermissionFlags in Manifest. (#2789)
  • Fix windows helper script to allow spaces in path name. (#2855)
  • Fix decoding application if using multiple style res types. (#1719) / (Thanks tvildo)
  • Fix handling with malformed namespaces. (#2615) / (Thanks ljysdfz & MyAnoneNeko)
  • Fix handling of sparse flags during resource parsing. (#2887) / (Thanks iamr0s)
  • Fix crash when parsing a manifest numeric that resolves as null. (#2878)
  • Fix crash when parsing HTML string with empty tag leading to invalid entry. (#2900) / (Thanks MaSven)
  • Fix crash when wrongly decoding overlay policies. (#2805) / (Thanks gramound)
  • Fix regression when decoding overlay policies. (#2945)
  • Fix respecting of $XDG_DATA_HOME on Linux for framework files location. (#2924) / (Thanks Miepee)
  • Fix storing of obfuscated resource files for properly applying proper compression on build. (#2925) / (Thanks Kirlif)
  • Fix issue parsing an obfuscated resource with a improperly referenced parent resource. (#2908)
  • Fix --only-main-classes winning over --no-src. (#2927) / (Thanks Surendrajat)
  • Fix disassembly of files mixed between r, R and res folders. (#2933)
  • Fix handling of (name removed) resources. (#2940) / (Thanks Danealau)
  • Fix disassembly of raw resources for AndResGuard. (#2943)
  • Fix attribute referencing to self package while using AndResGuard. (#2911)
  • Revert automatic workaround for using private resources. (PR 2785, #2771)
  • Upgrade CI Workflow to leverage latest actions. (Thanks Goooler)
  • Upgrade org.apache.commons:commons-text to 1.10.0 (from 1.9)
  • Upgrade org.yaml:snakeyaml to 1.32 (from 1.29)

This post was originally released at: and duplicated in part here for historical reasons.

Apktool 2.6.1

Connor Tumbleson
Maintainer of Apktool
  • Add apktool-cli to Maven publishing. (#2686)
  • Add support for signature scheme v4 (#2687)
  • Add commons-lang project to remove deprecated methods from commons-io. (#2713) (Thanks alsutton)
  • Upgrade to commons-cli 1.5.0 (Thanks Goooler)
  • Upgrade to guava 31.0.1 (Thanks Goooler)
  • Upgrade to jengelman.shadow 7.1.0 (Thanks Goooler)
  • Fix licenseFormat[Test/Main] to properly inject variables into license preamble.
  • Fix temp files being written into /tmp and not automatically removed. (#2739)
  • Support automatic workaround for using private resources. (#2637) (Thanks MrIkso)

This post was originally released at: and duplicated in part here for historical reasons.