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Frameworks can be installed either from if or install-framework, additionally with two paramaters.

  • -p, --frame-path <directory> - Store framework files into the <dir>.
  • -t, --tag <tag> - Tag frameworks using <dir> as the tag.

This allows for finer control over how the files are stored and named.

$ apktool if framework-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: 1.apk
# pkgId of framework-res.apk determines the number. (which is 0x01)

$ apktool if
I: Framework installed to: 2.apk
# pkgId of is 0x02

$ apktool if -t htc
I: Framework installed to: 2-htc.apk
# pkgId-tag.apk

$ apktool if framework-res.apk -p foo/bar
I: Framework installed to: foo/bar/1.apk

$ apktool if framework-res.apk -t baz -p foo/bar
I: Framework installed to: foo/bar/1-baz.apk